dear my dearest pepper,
I know you're just a pup, but seriously, you need to chill out. the constant running up and down the stairs, in and out the doggie door, and on and off the bed are driving me crazy. I can't keep track of you. I turn my back and you're on the counter! how are you getting up on the counter!! you're tiny!

speaking of you almost dying, what the hell?! we saved you're life and you repay us by chewing every possible thing in sight and waking us me up at 2 am? you obliterated our bouganvilla plant that didn't even get the chance to bloom. you get our spatula off the counter & gnaw on it. you tear apart my underwear (although I know this is a joint effort with ginger).

but I love you. more than chris. so stop cuddling up with him and cuddle up with me again. it hurts you choose him over me. I miss you. you're so far away yet you're at my feet. come back, my little one.