
challenge life: saaaahhh-weeeeet potatoes.

yesterday was nice. chris and I went to a local restaurant for lunch. I know this restaurant has delicious french fries but I wanted to stick to my resolution: no french fries. but I didn't say anything about sweet potato fries. :) I compared the nutritional facts, reviewed them with chris, and thought about why I made the resolution in the first place: to get healthier. and french fries are my weakness. I eat them constantly. and they are waaay unhealthy. so instead of making a resolution to eat healthier, I thought I take baby steps by cutting out one thing in my diet that I love but will kill me. and since sweet potatoes are better than regular potatoes (they're super rich in beta-carotene and other immunity boosters and can help you gain healthy weight - both of which I am in desperate need of) I figured I wouldn't be violating my resolution. they were perfect. I wish I had a picture to show.

that afternoon when we got home from work, we invited my parents over for dinner. they came over, we watched some dexter, chris made tortellini, we ate, and played some euchre. it was enjoyable. the best part is that chris and I got along all night.
dad & mom getting ready to enjoy dinner
dad made his plate look like the fancy restaurants
mom can't believe she married this guy
however, even though we've been getting along lately, I'm not very satisfied. because I don't feel like we've had any real conversations. and I don't feel like chris is making the same effort I am into talking and spending time together. I'm started to get mildly freaked out. I don't think chris will change. or wants to become a better boyfriend. and I just don't think I can live the rest of my life with someone who I can't have a conversation with. I need that.

I won't jump to any conclusions just yet - I'll wait until I'm at least halfway through the month. but it's not looking good. I'm doing my best to be optimistic though.

in other news, work's been super crazy busy. it's weird, I went from having nothing to do at work, to not being able to get everything done. even though I really want to get my iron-transfer project started, I can't seem to find much time to. but I'm glad because I'm really starting to get involved and other people are starting to call me with questions. my work confidence has definitely climbed within the last week. now only if I could get my boss to go to south america, I'd be content. 

only thing is I think my body isn't too fond of my new workload. I can feel myself getting more sluggish and I've been having that feeling in the back of my throat that's like, "hey, I'm going to be sore soon, maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but soon. and when I am, I'm going to come with a vengeance." so we'll see - maybe more sweet potato french fries will keep my immune system on defense. I need to feel on top of my game because I'm going to have a great weekend. and I need to not want to curl up in bed all day.

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