
challenge life | month one: reconnect with chris

I explained to chris my desire to challenge not only myself, but the both of us this year and he seemed totally on board. (although it's hard to tell most of the time what he's thinking.) I started bouncing ideas off him on things I wanted to accomplish and of course he focused on the getting healthier tasks most. but I told him, first & foremost, I want to reconnect, or rather connect, with him on a deeper level. we've been rocky on a rollercoaster at a point in our relationship where I feel like the engine of the plane just blew up and we're now plummeting towards sharp rocks with lions and bears waiting to chow us up. so in order for me to make a final decision as to where I want to be, I need to give it a full out try. and I need him to participate with me. and that's where the challenge comes in.

cue in month one of my challenge life: reconnect with chris.

the goals:

  • to have daily conversations with each other
  • to understand what goes on in his mind from time to time
  • to feel important and special in his life
  • to see if we're truly compatible/meant for each other (like we used to be)
  • to spend more time together enjoying life

the conditions:

  • must spend at least 30 minutes having (or attempting) a conversation
  • do one activity together each night
  • be straight up and tell the other how we feel if upset/mad
  • be completely honest with each other

day 1 we spent the day playing uno and watching dexter (♥!!) at my parent's house. there wasn't much talking, but technically, we didn't make the agreement yet.

day 2 we spent the evening fighting and when that fizzled out we downloaded a "conversation starters" app and asked each other its questions. they weren't much of conversation starters, however, but I think that's mainly chris's problem, since he answers the question and thinks that's all he needs to do. is it possible to "train" someone on communicating? what are some ideas on how I can get him to open up to me more?

day 3 was my dad's birthday so after work we headed over there & went to dinner at the most amazing seafood restaurant in mesa. seriously. they had the most succulent and juicy and wonderful crab legs. and every things else. (on a side note, I managed to avoid the french fries and got steamed veggies and their seafood pasta salad on the side. too bad I didn't have room to eat them.)
so tonight - day 4 - is where we'll really get cracking on this challenge. I'm looking forward to it and doing my best to be optimistic.

and I wish the rest of you challenging yourself this year the best of luck! & don't let anyone make you think twice about your decisions!

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