
yes, I'm still alive...

just to quickly summarize the basics of what has gone on in my life since my last post:

  1. my boss left the company and ended up screwing me over by not teaching me anything.
  2. I celebrated the victory of the Dallas Mavericks waay too much and hopefully never again.
  3. my baby, Pepper, turned one year old.
  4. we bought an elliptical.
  5. my best friend from tucson, Roy, and his pregnant wife moved in with us for the summer.
  6. Chris and I started couples counselling again with a different counsellor.
  7. I know how to tend a vegetable/fruit garden.
  8. I learned how to bake zucchini bread, zucchini brownies, and zucchini muffins.
  9. I can put my hair up in a high ponytail (I joined my cousin, aunt, and mom in the challenge of growing our hair out for Locks of Love).
  10. I've become convinced that someone stole my camera from my office (or I just really misplaced it).
  11. I bought a new camera.
  12. saw the new Transformers movie. (AWESOME!)
  13. got a new cell phone.
  14. Chris and I have been fighting less and getting along more.
  15. Chris won a weight-loss challenge we were doing at work and contributed a big chunk of money to my birthday trip (see below).
so basically not a whole lot has changed. and although I probably could scrounge up enough thoughts and opinions to write a post, I just have not had the time to do so. since my boss left and I have assumed his responsibilities, my work days are more stressful and exhausting. and I try to be as productive and efficient as I can during my 4-5 hours of time at home after work by either baking (due to the operpopulation of zucchinis from my parents' garden), working out (I've got to get to my "San Diego body"!), or trying to get some rest.

due to the fact that Chris chose to ignore my birthday last year, he's insisting we take a week-long trip during the week of my birthday. we have plenty of PTO to burn so I'm not gonna say no. initially I wanted to go to Seattle but I'm starting to think about other possibilities. we bought a time share a few years back (before we even graduated college! talk about irresponsibility and impulsive buying!) so we might use that to go somewhere more exotic. who knows. 

I'm going to try to blog more often and not just about random things going on in my life, because I feel like that gets pretty boring. so I have to restructure my thought process to have a more interesting and helpful blog. something that people can relate to. relationship issues. growing up. working full-time. music. family. opinions. something people will want to read. that's my goal.

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