![♥yellowcard [8/7/06]](http://a2.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/6/490ec095e8ec00fa2870c8f24627f3e5/l.jpg) |
Yellowcard in Tucson ('06) |
the very first concert I ever attended was STYX when I really young (maybe 8 or 9?). I remember the previous year they came to Phoenix for their summer tour and my parents wouldn't take me. I was absolutely crushed because at the time, STYX was my all-time favorite band (still one of my all-time faves). I cried while listening to their "Best of..." album on repeat the whole night they played in town that year. the next year, my parents learned. they bought me tickets. (can we say spooooiiiiled?)
![♥ the academy is... [9/26/07]](http://a2.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/31/1b39d3d92acdddd840a2d1b369aed952/l.jpg) |
The Academy Is... in Tucson ('07) |
the one thing I remember about that concert was that I was one of the few standing in our section belting out the songs. I remember looking down the row and seeing this older man standing and singing and cheering and I remember trying to outdo him because, of course, I was definitely more excited to be there. (first sign of my over-the-top competiveness.) I screamed my little 8-or-9-year-old head off that night.
![♥paolo nutini [9/19/07]](http://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/106/72a1a196de85e03b99faa61495e9453a/l.jpg) |
Paolo Nutini in Tucson ('07) |
the second concert I went to was definitely N Sync back in high school. my friend Julia and I were obsessed at the time and made our own T-shirts and everything. We even braided our hair into a bazillion little braids (the goal was to put little beads in the braids that spelt out the names & such, but we could not find beads anywhere). we had so much fun that night, being your average teeny-boppers.
![♥snow patrol [7/18/07]](http://a3.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/71/1cd968a199b2a749657c6f04ad2d90a8/l.jpg) |
Snow Patrol in Phoenix ('07) |
when I went off to college my yearning to go to concerts magnified. the first show I saw in Tucson was a free show on campus by Rufio - my friend Finn dragged me. but I had tons of fun. The first show I saw at the historical Rialto (Tucson's number one venue) was The Academy Is... with Panic! At the Disco with my friend Chris (not boyfriend Chris). That was my first real "rock" concert. After that I was hooked. I craved being next to the stage and listening to live music.
![♥the format [10/6/06]](http://a2.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/5/eff4282d420450da4f2989488269a932/l.jpg) |
The Format in Tucson ('06) |
I went to a lot of concerts in Tucson while I was in college. I've seen a lot of great bands and learned about a lot of new bands. I loved every part of live shows. screaming/yelling at the top of your lungs when they started playing your favorite song. the jumping/pushing/moshing. the bass beats rumbling through your body. meeting the band afterwards. taking pictures, lots of pictures. seeing how close to the stage you can get. the ringing in your ears when you go home to fall into bed. everything. every time a band I knew came into town, I was there.
Jason Mraz in Tucson ('08) |
rock shows were my love - they were my hobby. I've done my fair share of pushing and shoving. as I got closer to my senior year and post-grad life, I toned it down a bit going to some more low-key shows like snow patrol, the muse, and such, mainly because I was tired of fighting with high school kids. but I still love going to live shows. it's hard to go now in Phoenix since there's so many different venues and the pickings are slim, but I want ot be the kind of person who's going to shows until my hair starts turning gray.
that will be me.
me & 3/4ths of The Fray at Jimmy John's in Tucson ('07) |
quote of the moment:
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
-Aldous Huxley
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